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El Palmar, lost paradise

You made a decision, want to go to El Palmar....but how get there?
El Palmar is a t urquoise water and golden sand paradise located southern spain, in front of Africa
If you come by car, either from Sevilla o Málaga a-48 take exit 26 and just follow indications. If you dont have a car you can rent it, price comparison webs as Holiday autos can help you save money
Other option is take a train to Jerez, Cadiz o San Fernando and then take a bus to El Palmar, there a few during summer. You can check bus timetable here, make sure because sometimes information is not right.
No doubt bus is cheapest way (beside car sharing) coming from Sevilla, Jerez or Málaga, and only one if you come straight from Jerez, Malaga or Sevilla airports
If you come from farther cities to these airports, companys as Ryanair or Vueling fly from main european destinations
Our school offer a shuttle service for people attending our surf camps from San Fernando, Cadiz or Jerez
You can check our web for buses and trains timetables in the area
We wait for you this summer at south and surf paradise....some times you have to get lost to find your self¡