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Intermediate level surfing lessons at El Palmar, Cadiz

If you already know the basics, can catch whitewater waves by yourself most of the time, know how to steer the surfboard, control it, and paddle out in small waves, or if you already feel comfortable in the lineup when it's not too big, catch waves as they break and even ride the face, and are already using hard epoxy beginner boards, and you want to take the next step in your progression, you've chosen the right level.

Surf lessons nivel Intermediate at El Palmar
"How will my intermediate surf course be?"
You are already familiar with surfing, you have been in the water several times and you feel ready to progress in your surfing..
Intermediate level classes can be structured in three parts:
- Theoretical introduction about the sea conditions each day, the spot, the board we have chosen, and each one's objectives for the session
- Theoretical-practical part on the sand where we practice how to stand up according to what the wave demands and how to position the body and use our weight to gain speed and draw lines on the wave
- Practice in the water where the instructor accompanies and guides us at all times, helps us, directs us, giving us feedback after each wave, and expands our objectives as we progress.
We agree on the session's objective with the instructor, considering that the main goal is to enjoy the sea and get some exercise.
We will do a specific warm-up to activate the body and explain how to stretch after the session.
Formation of Waves and Factors Shaping Swell
We will explore the various elements that influence the formation of waves, from winds to tides, as well as their impact on currents and wave structure. Understanding swell formation is essential for any surfer.
Water Etiquette for a Safe Experience
We explain the rules of surfing, from how to paddle out correctly to where to position yourself in the lineup. Knowing and respecting these rules ensures a smooth and safe experience for all surfers.
Materials, Surfboards, and Equipment
Types of surfboards and their specific functions. From their measurements to construction materials, this section provides a detailed overview of the essential tools of surfing. Learn about key shapes and designations, as well as the most suitable modalities for your style and skill level.
Surf Spots
Description of suitable spots for your level in the area and the conditions in which they operate.
You will learn how to paddle efficiently and effectively, key to catching the right waves at the right time. From basic paddling techniques to synchronizing your movement with the rhythm of the waves.
Technical Improvement
From basic maneuvers: take off, interpreting the right direction, positioning on frontside/backside, bottom turn, gaining speed, and cut back. This section will help you reach new levels of skill and confidence on the waves.
Getting Through Waves
Essential techniques for getting through waves: duck dive and turtle roll techniques, you will learn how to navigate waves with confidence and skill.